Nov 7, 2009

Little Bill is the finish.. Little Bill. Its a mixed media piece. The background was composed of cut paper. I must say that I had a great time putting this little piece together. It will be on display at the Cafe Mocha coffee shop for sometime as it was painted for a show with the theme of BILL COSBY.

Nov 3, 2009

I think little Bill is great

So one of my friends will be promoting a show at a local cafe. The theme "Bill Cosby." I really had no idea what I was going to do for this theme when he gave me the news. I was just like Bill Cosby, are you serious, what am I going to paint about Bill Cosby. My mind was racing and then woola, it hit me. I like CARTOONS, I like CUTE things. How about little BILL Gloria..
After having a conversation with myself, I will be painting little Bill for the next show. I hope you guys like the sketch and look for the painting soon.

Oct 30, 2009

Collie's Owl

So here is the scan. I hope this does some justice. I appreciate all the love. Thanks guys.

Oct 28, 2009

Collie's Owl

It's been a long summer and I have been off my wagon for sometime. But I am back and the creative mind is working. I have decided to do a series of paintings based on the season of fall. Portraying some of my very close friends as models in the paintings. The idea is the manifestation of fall through mankind. I believe to a certain extent my friends and I are pretty down to earth. As artist, we find beauty in our environments and artistically develop our ideas through our mediums. And I love fall. I mean I really love fall. The colors, the leaves, It is just beautiful, I could not think of a more magical season to paint.

Just a few step by step phases of my work.

I really enjoyed painting this owl. It took me a while to figure out what I wanted to do. Like 3 hours. Lol.. I think it is because I am retarded sometimes. I fuss too much.

Blocking in colors. The usual.

Almost there.

And done. Look for a scan soon guys.

Jelly fish fields

So here is the final ride with Yoshi. We had a good time and the painting was fun. Especially the background. I am always working on ways to improve my backgrounds. Experimenting will be the only way.

Aug 4, 2009

It's Yoshi


The Autumn Society is dedicating a show to the great and wonderful video games we grew up on. I know we all had a favorite video game and gaming station. For me it was NINTENDO. And man o' man do I love me some Yoshi. I did a painting of Yoshi, which will be displayed at the comic book store called New World. I hope you guys can make and see what the fuss is about. It will be awesome show this upcoming friday. I will also be in another art show around the corner from New World, so come out and support. Sorry as of right now I do not have a scan. I'll be getting that to you tomorrow. Been a little busy trying to figure out what my next moves will be as far as work and trying to find a paying job. lol But I hope you come and enjoy.. and bring friends. It is a time of fun and entertainment. Bring your eyes.


A day of painitng

Another great opportunity arose and I got to show my art again. It was wonderful as the show was a dedication to local Philly graffiti artist. I met many interesting people with beautiful personalities. And even more, I was escorted by my chum Collie Mills. We were excited to know we could do some live painting. Something I had never before until than so it was a cool knock dead experience. We had a good time with a free nasty but when its free I guess you can't complain.
It's weird when people promotion shows pick your art. Most of the time your like why did you just pick that. I know I have better paintings than that for you to choose from. And than you go to the show and your like ooooooooooooh.. ok lol I see why you picked this because of the theme. Yeah ok. lol. That was my response to the Promoter of the show. But in all I enjoyed myself. I was a great experience and I will cherish these events with my life. Every opportunity given to me is a blessing and I must humble. I will never know what opportunity knocks at my door. But I guess some days you will wont know until you open it and see.

The Perfect Yang

my found table
So, it started off with me digging in the trash and finding woolah. A table yay for me. I like to paint on 3 dimensional things.. for some odd reason it makes me happy. But yeah. So I also love fish and wanted to paint something whimsical and pretty so here it goes. I painted a table based off one of my favorite artist, Blaine Fontana. I am in love with his work so I tried to relate his work to mine. I related this piece to a personal feeling of just trying to strive for piece and serenity. We know that is always hard to let things go especially when most of them are simply beyond our control. In this painting I was at a point in my life where I wanted to try new things and explore the fields. Yet all the same I was afraid, seeing as this was my senior year and teachers are like "hey.. you need to find a style.. you need to find what it is that you want to do.. and hey you need to like it". So if I could not find piece with in my life at the time with the daily struggle of trying to figure out who I am and what I want to do at least I knew through my work, eventually I could find piece.
It is just too cute

My sketch
This was the original sketch.. But it later changed due to the simplicity of it. Which is not bad.
But I tend to get bored fairly easily with my work if it is not going in the direction that I want.

Blocking in color
And here I am blocking in some color

Under painting
And now.. I got to show at a local gallery.. and yay it sold.


May 7, 2009

I just want to Paint

This is a sketch I did a little while back. It encompasses my thought of my future. Sometimes it is general for a person or a artist to find themselves caught in a rut within their work. Over the last semester I spent a lot of my time wandering if I believed in my abilities to make art. I lost confidence sometimes.
However, it was not later that I realized every painting is practice. Although, the process may be long and sometimes tedious in the end the creation is usually worth all the troubles.

Phase two blocking in the color. I find this part probably the most troublesome. Its when I have to figure things out the most in my work. This is more of my fought being I generally do not color studies on personal pieces. It usually just starts from a idea.

Still blocking in color using flat colors to block in shapes.

Here is when the fun begins. The details are what I live for. I love spending hours painting the little tiny details. I can get lost sometimes. Its fun.

Finished product of fun and creativity.

Apr 18, 2009

I'm on the Up and Up

So, usually Christian Rock bands get a lot of bad rap. But I must say Relient K is not one of them. A friend turned me on to them a while back like freshman year of college and I fell in love. They're music speaks to me. It's very spiritual which I like to consider myself. It captures the whole essence of wanting to be closer to God yet, as people we are so engulfed in our sins.
Anyway, the poster represents your average kid. Trapped between the world and the spiritual universe. He gladly accepts the word of God, as he is being pulled up into the air by God himself. However, he gazes downward, lost in the world he leaves behind. And there fore he finds himself trapped in complicated situation. The battle between the reality of two universes.

Feb 19, 2009

Art me Up

I think most women, such as myself have misconceptions about the way love should come. I fantasize of princes and gentlemen. It has been noted in romantically written pages and movies that the prince will sweep the girl off of her feet and take her far away from her pain and suffering. And she is light-spirited, floating in mid air.

Unfortunately, this is a fabrication. Imagination takes over, blinding us from the true form of love. Not every thing is roses and kisses. There are struggles within all relationships. But we learn, grow and somehow life continues to go on.

I guess this would be my creative take on a marijuana smoker. They're really just everyday people concealing something about them from society finding different ways to escape and cope with reality.