Jan 30, 2010

I'm finally done working out the bugs

New website is up.. I am finally done. Coding can be so ridiculous and hard and yet in the end it can rewarding. I could not have done it without my buddy Collie Mills. Thanks for the support Mills. So give it a look and tell me what you think.

Jan 25, 2010

Art Show

Hello .. I am having a show along with other local Philly artist. Here is a link for the information of the show times and other specifications. I hope to see you there

Jan 18, 2010

I have a love for my favorite Cookie

I am not sure why America would make such a delicious treat. Eating a oreo is like eating with a menacing habit. You cannot just have one, you have to indulge in a few, a couple, a handful, or maybe I will just eat the entire roll. I love them. They are my favorite store bran cookie.

Jan 4, 2010

Im blue all over you

Unfortunately, this picture is in reverse until I am able to scan it. But here are some cute monkeys. I originally painted them for my new and upcoming website that I have been working on. They will be like little figurines for different pages of my site, so look for that soon. 

Jan 3, 2010

Something I like

Its a boy

This is my nephew. He is 6 months and is huge lol. His name is Kasen Martin and I adore him.

Everyone must, I repeat must see this movie...

I cannot believe I would actually pay to see this movie again. I mean yes, it is the same story told over and over again but the visuals in this film were simply beyond amazing. It was ridiculous. I think everyone should get a peep at this movie because of its beauty.