This is a sketch I did a little while back. It encompasses my thought of my future. Sometimes it is general for a person or a artist to find themselves caught in a rut within their work. Over the last semester I spent a lot of my time wandering if I believed in my abilities to make art. I lost confidence sometimes.
However, it was not later that I realized every painting is practice. Although, the process may be long and sometimes tedious in the end the creation is usually worth all the troubles.
Phase two blocking in the color. I find this part probably the most troublesome. Its when I have to figure things out the most in my work. This is more of my fought being I generally do not color studies on personal pieces. It usually just starts from a idea.
Still blocking in color using flat colors to block in shapes.
Here is when the fun begins. The details are what I live for. I love spending hours painting the little tiny details. I can get lost sometimes. Its fun.
Finished product of fun and creativity.