May 29, 2010

The Sketchbook Project: 2011 » Art House Co-op | We build art projects and communities

"Adopt a Piggy"

James Dupree, owner of Dupree Studios, participated with the help of others in hosting "Adopt a PIG". Adopt a pig is a Charity sponsored for children with cancer. Each artist was to paint or alter a porcelain bank in the shape of a pig.  Many artist contributed their talents in the efforts to save children from cancer.

Caught In the Rapture Of nature

This painting is a continuation of my seasons series. I finished it in February. It is a depiction of my close friend Erin Capers. I I had a wonderful time painting this.

Mar 7, 2010

La Citadelle

Hey guys, its been a while. I've been a little busy with a couple of things. Recently, I have been blessed to showcase a couple of paintings in a coffee shop. The paintings will be displayed from March1-31. If you have time please take a peek. The shop is located at 1600 Pine Street.

Feb 14, 2010

I need to do more 1 hr paintings

This was fun. I realize I need to do more one hour paintings frequently. Fast and fun, but through these fast paintings I can learn new techniques and use them in other work..

Feb 11, 2010

The weather outside is frightful..and the heater is so delighful

I've never seen snow in the city. It was um....okay I guess. There are no hills to slide down. No one really likes to be outside and play either. It was different. But in the mist of it all I still managed to have a little fun with some friends in the snow. We sled down the streets of philadelphia, pulling and pushing one another also had an indoor drawing and brainstorming session. So in the end, no matter how far you may be away from home, you can always manage to have some fun with the people you love no matter where that may be.

Jan 30, 2010

I'm finally done working out the bugs

New website is up.. I am finally done. Coding can be so ridiculous and hard and yet in the end it can rewarding. I could not have done it without my buddy Collie Mills. Thanks for the support Mills. So give it a look and tell me what you think.

Jan 25, 2010

Art Show

Hello .. I am having a show along with other local Philly artist. Here is a link for the information of the show times and other specifications. I hope to see you there

Jan 18, 2010

I have a love for my favorite Cookie

I am not sure why America would make such a delicious treat. Eating a oreo is like eating with a menacing habit. You cannot just have one, you have to indulge in a few, a couple, a handful, or maybe I will just eat the entire roll. I love them. They are my favorite store bran cookie.

Jan 4, 2010

Im blue all over you

Unfortunately, this picture is in reverse until I am able to scan it. But here are some cute monkeys. I originally painted them for my new and upcoming website that I have been working on. They will be like little figurines for different pages of my site, so look for that soon. 

Jan 3, 2010

Something I like

Its a boy

This is my nephew. He is 6 months and is huge lol. His name is Kasen Martin and I adore him.

Everyone must, I repeat must see this movie...

I cannot believe I would actually pay to see this movie again. I mean yes, it is the same story told over and over again but the visuals in this film were simply beyond amazing. It was ridiculous. I think everyone should get a peep at this movie because of its beauty.